• chevron_rightWhat is the club's purpose?
    The Estero Newcomers Club is a social club which affords women of the Estero and surrounding areas the opportunity to meet new women, develop new friendships, enjoy group activities, and learn more about our community and the Southwest Florida area.
  • chevron_rightWho can join?
    The Estero Newcomers Club is open to all women residing in Estero and its surrounding communities.
  • chevron_rightI've lived here for years and just discovered your organization. Do I still qualify as a Newcomer?
    Yes. There are no restrictions regarding length of residency in Florida. Women may join this club whenever it fits their lifestyle.
  • chevron_rightDo I need to be a full-time resident to join?
    No. We welcome both full-time and seasonal members. 
  • chevron_rightDo I need to be referred by another member?
    No. We are an open and welcoming group. We realize many women have left their network of friends in another part of the country. Meeting new people and building relationships is the point of our organization. If you haven't met one of our enthusiastic members already, reach out to the Membership Chair on the Contact Us page and she will help you get connected.  
  • chevron_rightWhen and where does the club meet?
    The club holds monthly luncheons at various country clubs and communities in Estero and the surrounding area. The club also provides a wide variety of activities for its members including games, dinners out, happy hour events, book and film clubs, arts and crafts groups, and local excursions. 
  • chevron_rightWhat is expected of members?
    While we don't have specific attendance requirements, we encourage all members to attend the monthly luncheons and any activities they wish to attend.
  • chevron_rightAre members required to attend luncheons?
    Members are not required to attend luncheons but are strongly encouraged to do so. Each luncheon is the club business meeting and also features an interesting speaker. The speakers present information on local services, Southwest Florida history and travel, and other topics of interest to our membership. It is a wonderful venue where you can meet new women and where we celebrate member birthdays for that month.
  • chevron_rightWill my husband or male significant other be welcome at events?
    Although our club is designed for women, we also have events open to spouses and significant others such as Destination Dinner, Happy Hour and Mix & Mingle events. We also have a monthly Men's Breakfast and Men's Lunch for the men only organized by members spouses.
  • chevron_rightCan I attend some of your functions as a guest?
    A prospective member may attend up to two events as a guest before joining the club. An existing member can bring you to a function by following whatever RSVP or fee process the activity requires. Please note: If you wish to attend a luncheon, a reservation and payment is always required. If you do not know a member who can bring you as their guest, go to the Contact Us page on this website and send a message the Membership Chair for instructions on how to make a guest reservation. 
  • chevron_rightWhat are the dues?
    The dues to join are $40 for the year. This amount does not include the cost of a new member's magnetic name badge which is an additional $10.
  • chevron_rightCan I join at any point in the year?
    Yes. We welcome new members whenever it fits their lifestyle. Membership is annual and renewable every January.
  • chevron_rightHow long does membership last?
    Membership is on an annual basis renewable every January. You may remain a member for as long as you'd like however, you are eligible to join our sister organization, the Estero Encore Club after you have been a member of the Estero Newcomers Club for four years. You cannot be members of both at the same time.
Addressing Your Dietary Restriction and/or Food Allergy
  • chevron_rightI have a specific Dietary Restriction and/or Food Allergy. How can this be addressed at a Monthly Luncheon?
    Please be assured the Luncheon Coordinators work very hard to ensure our members enjoy their luncheon meal. Our luncheon venues are not like a restaurant where you order from a menu and can personalize your meal. Please read the luncheon selections carefully before you register. Select the option that works best with your dietary needs. You cannot request changes to the meal because you do not care for something or prefer something else. However, if you do have a medical dietary restriction or food allergy, please indicate the issue on the registration form. Those issues are presented to the chef and the chef will prepare an alternative meal. Please do not ask the serving staff for substitutions at the luncheons. 
  • chevron_rightHow do I make sure my Medical Dietary or Allergy Restriction is addressed at each luncheon?
    Each time you register for a monthly luncheon, there is a place on the registration form to indicate any medical dietary or allergy restrictions. When you attend the monthly luncheon, you are given your table name plate with your medical dietary or allergy restrictions on the back so the servers know. We also make sure the chef is aware of your restrictions. Please note you need to indicate restrictions every time you register for a luncheon as this information is not saved.